What’s on Your Needles & A Contest

In trying times many knitters turn to their needles to find solace and comfort. There’s something meditative in the rhythmic tick of needles and the feel of fibre floating through your fingers, not to mention the satisfaction derived from seeing your efforts come to fruition. With the current situation outside today, knitters are digging out their needles and looking for a way to tune out and escape reality, and yarn shop owners are finding creative and innovative ways to provide us with the products we know and love.

In a very short time we have all had to adapt to different ways of doing business, both as consumers and retailers, and we couldn’t be more impressed by ways in which shops have continued to offer knitters the opportunity to scratch their fibre itch. With many shops offering mail order, curbside pickup, local deliveries and drop off, as well as online shopping, there has never been a better time than now to shop local! Not sure which LYS is closest to you? Check out our handy Find A Retailer page on our website for phone numbers, locations and websites!

We’ve heard stories of shop owners texting, emailing and instant messaging product pictures and patterns, video chats to offer knitting assistance, even one shop that leaves a selection of sock yarn in the window so customers can choose their colours safely from outside and phone their order in! All of this just to keep us safe so that we can continue to enjoy this hobby that brings us such comfort.

We’ve been so impressed with the way Local Yarn Shops have adapted to the circumstances and kept their businesses running that we felt that perhaps there was a way that we could do the same. We are pleased to say that we’ve devised a safe system that allows us to resume shipping so that we can keep the yarn flowing to your LYS and to you! We are able to maintain social distancing by allowing only two people from the same household on the premises at any given time, and our doors remain locked while we are there. Charlie, our top dog at the warehouse, has been on hand to supervise all orders and ensure that everything is packed and ready to go in a timely fashion.

In this strange time of isolation and self distancing we can’t help but wonder what’s on your needles right now? Are you using the time to finish up projects that have been on your needles for a while or are you starting new projects? We would love to show off your current projects on our social media, so be sure to send your pics to onmyneedlesnow@estelledesigns.ca. Remember, we can only feature projects using yarns you find on our website.

Take a look at some of the submissions we’ve already received from talented knitters across Canada! Mary Lou sent us this photo of her Pixelated Pullover knit in Estelle Worsted. Gorgeous!! And this stunning afghan knit by the Where the Wildflowers Grow Gallery Knitters, just wow! Knit in Estelle Alpaca Merino Bulky, this is comfort to the max!

If you’re already following us on social media, then you’re probably aware of our Nightshift Shawl Contest. We felt that everyone needed a little cheering up and so we decided to give away two of our most popular Nightshift Kits (Option D, shown below).

To enter, go to our Facebook page, like the post and then leave a brief comment on what you’re doing to stay safe and busy. Then head on over to our Instagram and do the same to double your chances of winning! Simply click on the Contests icon (as shown in the photo below) and then sit back and cross your fingers.

This contest is open to Canadian residents only and closes April 30th at midnight EDT.

Stay safe dear knitters and remember that stitch by stitch we will get through this together.

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